Preliminary investigation of old deposits in Tündern

Project description

  • Period: 09/2019 - 01/2020
  • Field of activity: Environment; Orienting investigation of two contaminated sites in Tündern recorded in the register of contaminated sites of the State of Lower Saxony.
  • Scope of services:

Sampling, analysis and evaluation of topsoil mixture sample areas in accordance with BBodSchV; carrying out small pile-drilling, sampling, preparation of mixed samples and evaluation in accordance with LAGA TR Boden; sampling, analysis and evaluation of soil air soundings in accordance with LAWA and LABO; sampling, analysis and evaluation of groundwater in accordance with LAWA; risk assessment for the soil - human and soil - groundwater impact pathways; waste law evaluation; documentation of the results.

  • Short description:
    • Orienting investigation of two contaminated sites listed in the state's

Lower Saxony's old deposits in Tündern. The first contaminated site consists of backfilled lowlands or former ponds that were created from a former oxbow lake of the Weser. The lowlands were filled with household and bulky waste, excavated soil, construction waste and industrial waste. The second contaminated site comprises a former sand and gravel pit that was backfilled with household and bulky waste, commercial waste, garden and park waste, agricultural and forestry waste, construction waste, excavated soil and road debris. Both contaminated sites are located in residential areas.

The objectives of the orienting investigation are to explore the extent of the two landfills as well as the thickness and composition of the landfill material and the landfill cover. In view of the use of the two old landfills as residential areas, a risk assessment for human health is to be carried out for the landfill cover via the impact pathway soil-human. For the landfill, an assessment is to be made in terms of waste legislation. In addition, the potential impacts of the landfill and the hazards for the objects of protection soil, soil air and groundwater are to be assessed.


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