A development plan is being prepared to create building rights. In the course of the procedure, the effects on the environment must also be examined. The basis for this is an inventory, the scope of which was agreed in advance with the responsible nature conservation authority (scoping). In addition to the faunistic species groups (birds, bats, amphibians and grasshoppers), the mapping services also include biotope types with the recording of indicator plants.
The results are incorporated into the species protection report, in which the regulations for specially protected and certain other animal and plant species in accordance with Section 44 (1) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act must be taken into account in order to ensure the feasibility of the planning.
An environmental report must be prepared for the development plan in accordance with Section 2a of the German Building Code. In this report, the environmental protection concerns identified and assessed on the basis of the environmental assessment in accordance with Section 2 (4) of the Federal Building Code are presented. In accordance with Section 11 (1) of the Federal Nature Conservation Act, a green structure plan is drawn up as the ecological basis for the binding urban land-use planning.